Event Registrants for May 23 Anniversary Social *

--- SOCIAL Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Harold Ester 1600
Mike Games 702
Connor Farren 175/09
David Rausch Rausch
P. K. Adithya
Courtney Reynolds
Ryan Able
Timothy Estes
Ridley Scurry
Callie Johnson
Jeremy Able
Daniel Moats
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: May 23 Anniversary Social  
Desc: RSVP for Thursday, May 23 - FIRST ANNIVERSARY PARTY of GREENWOOD CHESS - a fun chess social with FOOD & FRIENDS! From 6 pm to 10 pm and open to all players, friends of chess & their families. (note: a USCF ID is NOT required to register or attend.)
Location: Polaris Gaming 2005 Edgefield St, Greenwood, SC 29646
Starts: Thursday 23 May 2024
Ends: Thursday 23 May 2024
Registration Ends: Thursday 23 May 2024
Organizer Name: Greater Greenwood Chess Players Club
Organizer eMail: GreenwoodChessClub@Gmail.com