Event Registrants for GCC Summer Spectacular *

--- Open Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Sherwood Dong 2031
Marvin D Hernandez 1964
*Samuel Kim 1798
John Harris 1716
Noah Katz 1483
Sam Vancini 1387
Noah Harris 1330
Joseph Toth 1294
Richard Liu 1284
German Gregorio Llamas 1276/23
Mark Gao 1247
Aristotle Davenport 1228
Pradosh Swain 1167
Regen Chan 1083/12
Coeus Li 1063
Yash Ravishankar 957
James Garner 922/08
Thanisha Gopinath 839
Gopinath Radhakrishnan
Tuan Truong
Denver Trippensee
--- U1200 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Connor Peoples 976/24
Keoni Rosas 956/05
Lawrence Fatica 917/05
Andrew Zhao 873
Michael Sexton 720/22
Kristen Petzold 701/05
Mukilan Karthik 637
Caleb Rensberry 586/10
Ravishankar Prabhakar 551/11
Larissa Wagstaff 397/05
Edward Strusevich 215/12
Rayburn Haddon IV
Matthew Rensberry
Ivan Liu
Carlos Williams
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: GCC Summer Spectacular  
Format: A $10 to enter two section, USCF rated 4-round tournament. Open to University of Florida students, faculty, and alumni as well as the general public! Designed for new chess players to gain experience.

Schedule: 10am - 11:30am - 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Time Control: Game in 25 minutes with a 5 second delay per move (G/25; d5)

Prize Fund (based on 20 players):
    Open: $50 (gtd.) - $25 - $15
    U1200: $40 - $20 - $10

Byes: 2 half point byes available, request before the beginning of Round 2.

Takes place in the Reitz Union at the University of Florida, rooms 2335, 2340, 2350, 2355, and 2360. Light refreshments will be provided.

This event requires parents, guardians, or teachers to be responsible for the care, custody, or control of the minor participants, The University of Florida will not provide supervision.
Location: University of Florida, Gainesville
Starts: Sunday 23 Jun 2024
Ends: Sunday 23 Jun 2024
Registration Ends: Saturday 22 Jun 2024
Rounds: 4
Organizer Name: Gator Chess Club
Organizer eMail: g8orchessclub@gmail.com