Event Registrants for Friday Night Lights *

--- Open Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Eric Cooke 2200
Shama Yisrael 2149
Otis Wilson 2147
Quan Tanksley 1973
Preston Williams 1895
WIM Oriana Aponte 1868
Peter McQuillan 1836
johnathan Smith 1763
Quintin Tanksley 1701
--- U1801 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Isaac Jackson 1620
--- U1401 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Chadrick DaCosta 1226
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: Friday Night Lights  
Desc: 4 Rounds of G/25;d5 in Swiss format. First 40 players ONLY! Entry $20 by 11pm the Thursday evening before the tournament and $30 on-site (5:45pm-6:15pm). Free entry for GMs, IMs, FMs, WGMs,WIMs and WFMs. Sections: Open (must be 1800+), U1801 and U1401. Schedule: First round starts at 6:30pm SHARP, ALL other rounds will begin ASAP. Up to *1 half-point bye allowed, TD must be notified before second round begins. Sections may be merged or changed for pairing purposes. __________________________________________ Please bring your own chess equipment. Parents are NOT allowed to spectate beyond designated spectators area. Prize - 1st Place in each section receives free entry for next Friday Night Lights event. Contact: 954Chess@gmail.com
Location: 3701 N University Dr, Coral Springs, FL 33065
Starts: Friday 19 Jan 2024
Ends: Friday 19 Jan 2024
Registration Ends: Friday 19 Jan 2024
Rounds: 4
Organizer Name: 954Chess
Organizer eMail: 954chess@gmail.com